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Silly, whacky game about a frog with an afro.
Simple android game and exploration of the android-ndk.
Blog about developement progress of my game Witchy.
A game made in 4 hours based on a series of gifs from imgur.
Small minecraft clone made as an exploration of 3d rendering.
Sassy is a simple, quick and dirty GUI library for sfml.
Class project and exploration of shaders.
A program that uses perceptrons, a machine learning principle, to detect handrawn squares in an image.
A topdown multi-player shooter and exploration in real time game networking.
Really (mini RTS) is a basic RTS game and exploration in using A* pathfinding.
Modeling a physical component and then tuning pid constants before live testing.
My custom 2d game engine made using sfml, sfgui, box2d, angelscript and enet.